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The shape of water.

And returns with a specimen constancy, always with hopes filled with new resolutions.

A real "recherche du temp perdu".

It is perhaps the fate of a profession, or rather the trip of a lifetime to find its own place in the world.

After years of study and work are still looking to figure out what is the "shape of water", the true soul of an architect.

Maybe the constant and unique ability to get involved every day, full of AWE and wonder at the little things.

A new sew dress pants, a look again to face a final project.

Come l'acqua prende la forma del recipiente in cui viene versata, così l'architetto si trasfigura nella realtà lasciandosi travolgere dall'onda delle sue percezioni.

Una via di fuga esiste.  

Paolo Bollati, 2005 - 2016

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